Health and Safety Policy and Associated Procedures

Purpose of the policy

This policy and associated procedures outline Auswide Trade and Technology College approach to managing health and safety of all staff, students, contractors and visitors.

This policy and associated procedures meet the requirements of Clause 8.5 of Standard 8 of the Standards for RTOs 2015 that requires Auswide Trade and Technology College to comply with Commonwealth, State and Territory legislation and regulatory requirements relevant to its operations, as well as Standard 6.9 of the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018.

Policy statements

Compliance with legislation

Auswide Trade and Technology College meets the requirements of the WHS legislation for the State/Territory in which it is based and complies with all other relevant legislation, regulations, codes of practice, advisory and best practice standards.


Organisation responsibility and commitment

Auswide Trade and Technology College is committed to:

  • providing a safe and healthy environment for all staff, students, contractors and visitors and others during their participation in activities with Auswide Trade and Technology College
  • implementing effective risk management systems that are relevant and suitable for the organisation’s scope of business
  • promoting workplace health and safety at all times
  • continuously improving performance in relation to health and safety
  • encouraging active participation, cooperation and consultation with all staff and others in the promotion and development of measures to improve health and safety
  • actively responding to, recording and investigating all incidents
  • maintaining relevant policies, procedures, training, codes of conduct and systems to support and communicate effective health and safety practices throughout the organisation
  • routinely conducting checks of the work environment to assess risks, identify hazards and identify areas for improvement
  • taking immediate response to reduce the risk of identified workplace hazards
  • providing appropriate induction, training, information and updates to staff, students and others on a regular basis about workplace health and safety.



Staff responsibility

All staff including managers have a responsibility to work safely, take all reasonable care for their own health and safety and always consider the health and safety of others who may be affected by their actions.

When staff are undertaking work from home or at an off-site location, the staff member is responsible for ensuring the environment they enter into is free from risk and occupational health and safety hazards.


Health and safety consultation and communication

Health and safety consultation and communication will be carried out as follows:

  • Team meetings (where work health and safety is always an agenda item).
  • One off meetings to discuss health and safety issues arising.
  • Briefing sessions on new health and safety requirements/information.

Records of all meetings will be kept and action plans to address issues will be drawn up as required.

Follow up of actions to be taken will occur through regular team meetings.



All staff, and others are required to report any identified workplace hazards and associated risks as soon as they become aware of them.

All staff, and others are required to report any incident that causes harm to a person during their participation in work and/or training activities with Auswide Trade and Technology College.


Record keeping

Appropriate records of the organisation’s risk management strategy, workplace hazards and workplace injuries will be accurately maintained at all times.