Student Enrolment and Completion Policy and Associated Procedures

Purpose of the policy

This policy and associated procedures outline Auswide Trade and Technology College’s approach to student enrolment and completion. This ensures that there are structured processes in place for the enrolment of students, issuing of credit transfer and recognition of prior learning, changes to services and the issuing of certificates on completion.

This policy and associated procedures meet the requirements of Standard 1, 3, 5 and 7 and associated clauses of the Standards for RTOs 2015, as well as Standards 2 and 3 of the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018.

Policy statements


  • Information about the enrolment process is provided in Course Brochures and the Domestic International Student Handbook.
  • Applicants must meet the entry requirements in order to be accepted into a course. The entry requirements are included in each Course Brochure (domestic and international students).
  • On receipt of an application, a course entry interview will be conducted and a decision made on whether the student is suitable for the course based on the course entry interview and the documentation provided by the student in support of their application.
  • Where a student is accepted into the course they are provided with an Offer Letter and Student Agreement for signing to indicate their acceptance of the offer. The Offer Letter and Student Agreement meets all of the requirements of Standard 3 of the National Code (international students). Fees are only accepted concurrently with or following acceptance of the Offer Letter and Student Agreements as per Auswide Trade and Technology College Fees and Refunds Policy and Procedure.
  • Auswide Trade and Technology College uses an AVETMISS compliant Student Management System to record all student information.
  • Records of all enrolment records including the Offer Letter and Student Agreement and associated receipts of payment are retained for at least 2 years.




Credit transfer and RPL

  • Credit towards a student’s course can be provided by credit transfer or RPL. This means that students do not have to repeat units (or equivalent) already achieved and can be recognised for formal and informal learning, skills and experience.
  • Auswide Trade and Technology College will review all AQF certification and authenticate it as part of the process of awarding credit.
  • Applicants who wish to apply for RPL will be provided with a Candidate Kit. The RPL process will be followed as per the Training and Assessment Policy and Associated Procedures.
  • Applicants will be advised in writing of the outcome of their application for credit transfer and/or RPL. Where the credit provided results in a reduction of the duration of the course and fees, this will also be advising in writing.


Changes to services

  • Students are informed within 3 working days of any changes to services as documented in the Student Agreement, including where there are new third party arrangements, changes to existing third party arrangements and changes in ownership.
  • Where Auswide Trade and Technology College is unable to offer a course prior to or following commencement, refunds will be in accordance with the Fees and Refunds Policy and Associated Procedures.



  • Students are issued with certification documentation following completion of their course. All certification documentation complies with Schedule 5 of the Standards and includes a mechanism to ensure it cannot be fraudulently reproduced.
  • Certification documentation will only be issued where the student’s USI is on file and has been verified and where the student has paid their fees in full.
  • Certification will be issued within 30 days of completion subject to the payment of all fees. All certificates issued are recorded in the Student Management System and are kept for a period of 30 years.
  • Confirmation of the issuing of certificates will be provided to those who need to verify certificates.
  • Certificates can be reissued on request.





Process enrolment


Provide application for enrolment forms to applicants on request.


On receipt of an enrolment, check that the enrolment form has been completed in full and that all supporting information has been provided.


Send an acknowledgement that the enrolment form has been received within 3 working days of receipt. Request additional information not provided as relevant.


Enter the applicant’s details into the secure Student Management System.


Where the USI has not been received, make a note on the applicant’s file that it is to be completed at the orientation.


Verify all USIs.



Conduct course entry interview


Contact the applicant to arrange a suitable date and time for the course entry interview. This should be within 4 working days of receipt of the application for enrolment.


Conduct the course entry interview using the Course Entry Interview form.


Complete the Course Entry Interview form including an assessment of whether the applicant is suitable for the course.

For domestic students, this should also include an assessment of the student’s Language, Literacy and Numeracy skills (LLN) as per the course entry requirements.

For international students, this should also include an assessment of the student’s English language proficiency to ensure evidence is provided that the student satisfied the entry requirements specified for English language proficiency.

Generally, international students are required to demonstrate English language proficiency through evidence of:

·           an IELTS* score of 5.5 (test results must be no more than 2 years old); or

·           having been educated for at least 5 years in an English-speaking country; or

·           having completed at least a Certificate III level or IV course in an Australian RTO within the last 2 years (check the Course Brochure for the level); or

·           completion of another English Language Test such as PTE and TOEFL (results should also be no more than 2 years old).


For international students, compare scores to check equivalence to IELTS 5.5 as required using the following websites: qualifications-comparing-scores-to-ielts.pdf  



Process credit transfer


Review the student’s application for enrolment form to check if they wish to apply for credit.


If the applicant has not included the required evidence but has indicated they wish to apply for credit transfer, contact them to provide the certificate.


Contact the issuing RTO to verify that the certificate is authentic.


Where the certificate is authentic, update the student’s details on the Student Management System and advise the student of the reduction to their course duration and fees. The reduction in course duration will be as per the amount of time allocated in the timetable to the unit that the student has received credit for. See Fees and Refunds Policy and Associated Procedures for calculation for reduction of fees.


Issue the student’s CoE with the reduced duration (international students) or issue the student an updated Enrolment Confirmation (domestic students).


Report the change of course duration in PRISMS (international students only).



Process Recognition of Prior Learning


Review the student’s application for enrolment form to check if they wish to apply for RPL.


Send the student the Candidate Kit.


RPL applications are conducted as per the procedure described in the Training and Assessment Policy and Associated Procedures.


Update the student’s details on the Student Management System following the outcome of the RPL process and advise the student of the reduction to their course duration and fees as applicable. The reduction in course duration will be as per the amount of time allocated in the timetable to the unit that the student has received credit for. See Fees and Refunds Policy and Associated Procedures for calculation for reduction of fees.


Issue the student’s CoE with the reduced duration (international students) or issue the student an updated Enrolment Confirmation (domestic students).


Report the change of course duration in PRISMS (international students only).







Finalise enrolment process


If the applicant is suitable for the course, create a student file.


Verify the student’s USI or create a USI for the student following the procedures for such at:  


Customise the Offer Letter and Student Agreement for the student and send out to the student for signing. This should occur within 5 working days of receipt of the application for enrolment. The signing of the Offer Letter and Student Agreement indicates the student has accepted all terms and conditions.


On receipt of the signed Offer Letter and Student Agreement, send out an invoice for the first payment.


Following receipt of the first payment by the student, create a CoE in PRISMS following the instructions in the PRISMS User Guide (international students only).


Use the student file checklist to confirm all the information has been collected.



Manage internal course transfers – domestic students only (see course transfer policy and associated procedures for international students)


Where a student wishes to transfer to another course with Auswide Trade and Technology College, provide students with Internal Course Transfer Application Form. 


Acknowledge receipt of completed forms within 3 working days of receipt.


Review and assess the application provided within 10 working days of receipt. For an application to be approved, supporting documentation must demonstrate that there are appropriate reasons for transferring.


Advise the student in writing of the outcome of their application, including a new Offer Letter and Student Agreement where the application is approved. If it is not approved, provide the reasons and advise the student of their right to access the complaints and appeals process.


Advise the student in writing of any refunds due relevant to their existing course.


Record the variation to the student’s course on the SMS.  




Manage student files


Update student files throughout the course according to relevant events including but not limited to course progress and attendance, support, course credit, course transfer, deferral, suspension and withdrawal and disciplinary action. Refer to all of the relevant policies and procedures for student file management.


Update Student Agreements as relevant based on any changes that occur once the student has enrolled (this also includes changes to third party arrangements including new third party agreements or changes in ownership). Send to the student for agreement within 3 working days of signing and adjust fees and the CoE/Enrolment Confirmation as required.


Send out emails to students every 6 months requesting advice of any change of contact details (note students are also required to provide these within 7 days of any change).


Update student details as required based on changes to contact details.



Finalise certification


Immediately record student assessment outcomes on the Student Management System on receipt of marked work from trainers/assessors.


Once all units have been completed, check that the student has paid all fees and charges.


Contact the student in writing regarding unpaid fees and charges if applicable.


Check the student’s USI is on file and contact the student in writing if this has not been received.


Populate the testamur and record of results or statement of attainment with the student and award details.


Sign certification (authorised signatory).


Have the certification ready within 10 working days of the student having been assessed as meeting all of the requirements of their course (and having paid all of their fees and charges).


Retain the student’s certification on file for a period of 30 years.


Advise the student via email that their certificate is ready for collection or email an electronic version or send via post.


Retain all student details including assessment outcomes for a minimum of 2 years.



The Administration Officer is responsible for:

  • checking all incoming applications for enrolment
  • populating and sending out Offer Letters and Student Agreements
  • invoicing
  • using the student management system
  • student file maintenance.

The Marketing and Student Support Officer is responsible for:

  • conducting course entry interviews and approving student applications.
  • reviewing and approving all applications for credit transfer.
  • coordinating notification of changes to services and updating agreements.
  • issuing certification.

Trainers and assessors are responsible for conducting RPL.